We are currently building a Gazetteer about the engravers, printers, and makers of ceramics mentioned in this online exhibition. Click on the first letter of the surname you are looking for, if the name isn't in the list, check back again we will be updating this section regularly.

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Wolfe, Mason & Lucock (Maker)

wolfeThomas Wolfe was an experienced potter from Staffordshirewhen he purchased a porcelain factory in Liverpool from Mrs. Jane Penington in about 1797. One of his partners in this venture was an important London based china merchant, Miles Mason, who later became a manufacturer in Staffordshire.  Another partner is less-well known; John Luckock who was perhaps the man listed in Chester & Mort's Directoryof 1796/97 as an engraver of Stoke. The partnership was short-lived and by August 1801 Wolfe was advertising the factory to let.  With no ceramic manufacturers showing an interest the premises became a cornmill.  

During it's short life the factory made a range of porcelain including blue printed wares with Chinese-style patterns.

For Wolfe, Mason & Lucock wares in this exhibition click here  

Hillis, Maurice. 2011. Liverpool porcelain 1756-1804. Great Britain: Maurice Hillis. pp.469-491.