This tea pot, from the so-called Baddeley-Littler group of Staffordshire porcelain, is printed with a design of a shepherd and shepherdess seated beneath a tree, he playing a flute. There is a cottage to one side of the scene and a ruined castle to the other. The pot and cover are also painted with a feather-like scroll border, of a type seen on many printed wares
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This tea pot, from the so-called Baddeley-Littler group of Staffordshire porcelain, is printed with a design of a shepherd and shepherdess seated beneath a tree, he playing a flute. There is a cottage to one side of the scene and a ruined castle to the other. The pot and cover are also painted with a feather-like scroll border, of a type seen on many printed wares of this group. The cover is printed with pigeons.
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